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標題: [求助] Laptop個screen突然無晒畫面,請問知唔知乜野事?
ultraegg (我係2蛋爸爸!)     Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7
性別 男
UID 2550

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帖子 61835
積分 9054   詳情

閱讀權限 150
註冊 2006-8-1
狀態 離線

發表於 2008-4-22 10:40 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
Kitty / 亞貓 .... 妳想我地用邊個名稱呼妳?

睇完咁多段發覺妳部 laptop 真係好有問題, 要咁耐先 load 到機, 又要一段時間先 load 到其他 applications. 最好的方法當然好似小神咁講, format & reinstall 啦. 但呢個唔係長久的方法, 無理由隔一段時間就format 一次o麻!

我估妳個情況係有 spyware 加 m$ 的慣性問題. m$ 一向都係咁, 用得一段時間後, 就算妳咩都都唔做, 都自自然然會慢! 所以有幾樣可以同妳分享下:

1). 首先我建意妳安裝這個 - VAIO® Update Software Upgrade
http://esupport.sony.com/US/perl ... id=2775&os_id=7

這個application會幫妳 scan 一次, 再指出有邊個driver 需要 update!

2). 如怕煩, 可直接download video driver - http://esupport.sony.com/US/perl ... id=1945&os_id=7

其他 driver - http://esupport.sony.com/perl/swu-list.pl?mdl=VGNFS740W

3). 有關慢的問題 ....   假設妳有裝 anti-virus 及 spyware, 請scan & clean up, 然後reboot 入 safe mode 再 scan & clean up.

4). 另建意試以下 applications:
    a). WinASO RegDefrag - http://www.download.com/WinASO-R ... j=dl&tag=button
這個幫妳 defrag windows registry, 係free to use!!
    b). WinASO Registry Optimizer - http://www.winaso.com/regopt32.exe
這個比 WinASO RegDefrag 更好, 但我未有 crack 搵到再 pm 妳啦!
    c). ccleaner - http://www.ccleaner.com/download
這個可以妳 clean up windows 無用的 files (包括 regisrty), 最好一個月run一次!

有關 memory upgrade ..... 妳部係 2x256mb ddr2 pc-3200 memory, 即係表示, 如妳要upgrade memroy, 首先要拎走一條 / 全部, 然後加 / 換新memroy. 價錢: http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applic ... -DDR2-SODIMM-Memory

換memroy 係好簡單的一件事, 妳絕對可以自己換, 唔需要比錢搵人幫妳o架!

最後, 有關cooling 問題, 我真係唔知個sales點解咁同妳講, 用laptop, 無論平機貴機, 有無牌子都好,  絕對有 overheat, 只不過呢粒 cpu 的熱量係低少機會出現, 但唔可以同妳講無 overheat 問題! 再者, 咁多年可以機內的cooling fan 已經唔多正常, 所以妳再留意, 係風口位感覺有無風出, 出風係咪好熱, 平時用機底係咪好熱 .... 等去決定有無需要另加cooling!

doggiekitty :
叫「亞貓」啦, 貓貓夠cute呀!

亞蛋,真係好多謝你咁詳細o既講解和教導, 我會聽你地講, reinstall and reformat 部機, 之後就會follow你教o既方法去做, 希望可以救番部 laptop 啦! 如果部機用多一排, 唔再出現 screen problem, 我就會upgrade memory啦!

個 sales 可能驚我會炎要買完呢樣, 又要買果樣, 費時講完之後, 我改變主意唔買, 所以推舉得有幾高得幾高囉. 不過如果我將部機放在桌上用, 又真係唔算熱, 我會認為係暖, 至於你教我留意係風口位, 感覺有無風出, so far 用左咁耐, 都好似唔多覺佢有風扇聲, 同埋出風, 淨係聽到小小『dig dig da da』 o既聲, 我買之前. 曾經問過個 sales, 佢話係 hard drive 聲, 唔知道佢又有無點我呢?

最後編輯: ultraegg : 2008-4-22 10:47 PM

1022292057     Rank: 4Rank: 4
性別 男
UID 17104

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積分 798   詳情

閱讀權限 50
註冊 2006-12-9
來自 Canada
狀態 離線

發表於 2008-4-23 05:36 AM  資料  個人空間  主頁 短訊  加為好友 
for what u say blue, purple screen, do u mean completely plain blue/purple with no single word, no white spot, no flickering colors?
and how long will this screen stay? forever until u restart?
will the screen change to another color if u let it stay?
did computer actually froze and hang?
what exactly are u doing with the comp at the exact moment it shows this screen?

if computer didn't hang and actually be able to function then it's video card, could be software side, which may be driver corruption or conflicts with computer data files, or could be hardware side, which may be overheat or damaged video card

if computer hangs too, then it's either video card or harddrive or both
video card, same thing, driver, conflict, overheat or damaged,
hardrive software side, installed things or system files corrupted that cause confliction with video card driver,
harddrive hardware side, overheat, badsector that cause invalid input to video (if input is valid, code will not jump to exception, so it won't hang, therefore if system did not hang, it won't be hardrive problem)

if screen contains flickering images and system did not hang, then it may be monitor too

these ar more general reasons, if u answer my questions at the top and provide a more detail description on the situation, then i can give u a more detail and more accurate reason to ur problem

for system slow startup, most of the common reasons are:
1)corrupted drivers, may check if safe mode is slow too,
it safe mode is fast then, it's drivers or startup application/service problem
2)corrupted system files
3)lack the habit of defragging and computer have been using for quite awhile with heavy data transfer duties
3)hardrive badsectors
4)windows have a prefetch function on startup that make things slow when u have alot of things to prefetch(which happens when u have been using the comp for a long time)

if u can specify exactly when does it get slow when starting up (EXACTLY when) then i might be able to tell u what's most likely the problem is since windows ar designed to do certain function at certain time, i would no what kinds of function is it loading during specific time

doggiekitty :
Hi Numbie (hope u won't mind I address you as this name),
I appreciate very much for your help and thank you very much for your detailed explanation!

Q: for what u say blue, purple screen, do u mean completely plain blue/purple with no single word, no white spot, no flickering colors?
A: Yes, it is completely one color, no any pattern on screen. Usually plain blue (but not the same color as DOS blue screen) or plain purple. It also become plain green apple color or grey color too.

Q: and how long will this screen stay? forever until u restart?
A: In my memory, the longest time I waited to see if any changes was about half an hour. After half hour later, the screen stayed the same color (if it was blue, it remained unchanged). Then I pushed the power off button to turn off the machine, and wait about 3-5 mins to turn on the laptop. The laptop would then go back to normal.

Q: will the screen change to another color if u let it stay?
A: No, it won't. ( But the maximum time I let it stay was only half hour.)

Q: did computer actually froze and hang?
A: I have no clue because nothing on the screen suddenly, just only one plain color. All I could notice was that the hard drive light was flashing. The speed of the flashing rate was similar to the speed when I am using application or web surfing.

Q: what exactly are u doing with the comp at the exact moment it shows this screen?
Situation 1 (about 2 weeks ago): I was putting the laptop on my bed and browsing internet by using Firefox with about 5 tabs opened, and Windows Live Messenger. About 2-3 hours later, the screen turned to plain color. But I couldn't recall what color, maybe apple green, purple, or blue. (I usually put the laptop on my bed when in use. After couples of time with the same problem, I was afraid it was caused by overheat. I then put it on the desk every time when I use it.)

Situation 2 (one week ago): I put the laptop on the desk. I opened about 5 tabs with Firefox browser, and was using Q9 Chinese Input (九方香港版) to write post on Lips Corner. After about 2 hours later, the screen turn to plain blue. (This happened a week ago, after that, it doesn't happen again.)

To be precise, the first time of this screen problem happened was after about 8-10 months I bought this laptop. At that moment, I noticed that I had too many photos in the hard drive, made it slow and sometimes hang, I then burned all photos to disc, and reinstalled XP. After that, I changed my habit to save photos on DVD instead of hard drive, it still happened maybe 2 or 3 times in the next 2 years until recently.

During March to now, the screen problem has happened about 10 times. I couldn't recall all the details now. But in thess 2 months, I have been installed(in-) and/or uninstalled (un-) some programs, would that cause the problems? Those programs were Northern Anti-virus (un-), NOD32 anti-virus (in- & un-), AVG 7.5 anti-virus (in-), ccleaner (in-), Q9 3.0 Chinese Input (九方香港版) (in-) , AIM (AOL Instant messenger) (in- & un-), WinAVI (in-), VSO ConvertXtoDVD (in-), Spybot-Search and Destroy (in-), Quick time (in- & un-), GOM Player (in-), Sony Ericson PC Suite (in-), Adobe Photo downloader (in-), WinRAR(in-), pplive player (in- & un-).

My machine getting slower and slower in these few months. It gets extremely slow during the following periods:
1. In between the time after pushing the power on button (black screen) and appears the windows xp logo, and then;
2. In between the time of desktop background color has shown and the desktop icons appears, and then;
3. While opening some of the lower right-hand sided shortcut programs, they are MSN messenger and AVG 7.5 anti-virus.

Besides, when I open MS Word, it is really slow. It usually takes 10 mins to finish loading the application. Sometimes, after the program finished loading, I start typing from the blinking cursor, but no word shown on the page. I then click on the white space of the page and type again, if no word found, I redo "click and type" again. After several times of try, it will display my typing on screen.


ultraegg (我係2蛋爸爸!)     Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7
性別 男
UID 2550

精華 2
帖子 61835
積分 9054   詳情

閱讀權限 150
註冊 2006-8-1
狀態 離線

發表於 2008-4-23 11:02 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
貓貓: 唔好咁客氣啦, 大家係朋友, 妳幫下我幫下妳咁o者! 我都係將我知的情況同妳分享下, 唔好講"教導"咁嚴重! 而且呢度有好多高人o架, numbie已經係其中一個, 睇佢同米奇講火星文就知啦!

numbie 唔好嬲呀, 你同米奇講program, 對我黎講係火星文黎o架! 我知講緊咩, 但一句都接唔到 ...

講返部 laptop 先, 如果睇返本user guide page 16, 妳會知道風口位置! laptop 唔似 desktop, 好少會聽到風扇聲, 要用手去感覺! 我擔心係舊機 cooling fan 死o左, 只要唔太熱算啦, laptop實會暖暖地! 至於『dig dig da da』 o既聲, sales 哥哥應該無點妳啦, 應該係hdd read data 的聲, 妳同時會見到盞燈閃閃下!

再睇埋妳答numbie 段 ... 原來買o左唔夠1yr 已經有問題, 點解唔拎返 sony ? 可能同hardware 有關喎! anyway, 都咁耐之前, 依家都係諗下有咩方法可以解決到.

基本上, in- / un-  唔會令到出現妳的問題, 只會係特定情況下crash, 而妳係random 咁無畫面, 所以妳format & reinstall 都唔會錯得去邊啦! 如果妳可以的話, 我建意妳唔好用 sony recovry dsic, 用 xp cd 從頭到尾format hdd & reinstall windows, 然後只裝最基本的 driver, 試幾日睇下仲有無咁的情況, 之後再慢慢裝返其他 applications

doggiekitty :
唔係客氣話黎架, 我真係好似學生咁, 乖乖地聽書架。見到你地幾個本著不厭其煩和有教無類的精神, 耐心地續一幫我分
析和教我如何處理, 我真係好似上左一堂課, 真係衷心感激架!

我都知衰架啦, 有問題都唔即刻 Ling 番去整, side 左個 warranty, 蠢到豬仔咁樣!hehe...下次無咁笨架啦!

我終於搵到個風口位啦, 每隔數分鐘, 就有微微暖風吹出, 兼且有細細聲 "wooooooow " 一聲添, 聲停風就停, hehe...咁即係話 cooling fan 未死, 又可以擔心小一樣!

呢兩日, 我諗黎諗去你話唔好用 sony recovry dsic, 用 xp cd 從頭到尾format hdd & reinstall windows o既意思, 係咪話如果我有另外一隻windows XP (not Sony Recoevery Discs), 就將佢放入cd盤, 然後等佢run, 再 follow on screen instructions, step by step 去 install, after completely finished installation, 就去你建意我到o既 websites:

download video driver -
http://esupport.sony.com/US/perl ... id=1945&os_id=7
其他 driver - http://esupport.sony.com/perl/swu-list.pl?mdl=VGNFS740W

去 download video driver 同埋其他 driver呀?

當完成上述一切, 試幾日睇下仲有無 plain screen problem, 然後就每隔幾日, 裝上一個需要o既 application, 如 anti-virus, MS Office, windows media player,winRar 等等, 試用一排, 若無 crash, hang, slow, screen problem 等問題, 先至裝第二個 application, 如此類推.


ultraegg (我係2蛋爸爸!)     Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7
性別 男
UID 2550

精華 2
帖子 61835
積分 9054   詳情

閱讀權限 150
註冊 2006-8-1
狀態 離線

發表於 2008-4-25 09:32 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
係呀, 我就係咁意思啦!!

因為用recovery cd無錯係好方便一次過restore, 但有可能會裝埋妳唔想/需要的application, 到時又要uninstall 就唔好啦! 不過建意妳 reinstall 前, download video & network driver (included wireless), 咁就無走雞啦!! 唔想好裝完上唔到網 download 其他野o麻!

提醒一句, 如果妳係用wireless 的話, 搞清楚個 setting 喎, 驚妳唔記得點 connection 返!

doggiekitty :
唔該晒亞蛋, 我會依你所說照辦, 開始呢個 Big Project!


  spoon_sir     Rank: 3
性別 男
UID 9231

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積分 142   詳情

閱讀權限 40
註冊 2006-8-26
狀態 離線

發表於 2008-8-9 09:06 AM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
If your laptop overheat, it will shut down the system.  Did you try to connect the laptop to ext monitor to see is it still have green color.  it looks like your LCD screen have problem. When the lcd screen get old, the backlight may getting problem.  When the laptop just start, the screen will turn red, and wait for few minutes, it should back to normal.
If your laptop is overheating, better clean heatsink and fan, add some thermal grease.




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最後回覆日期: 2008-4-30 04:50 PM

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