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標題: [求助] 難題! 遙控webcam+NETtalk+ etc
御忍幻零     Rank: 3
性別 保密
UID 44612

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積分 497   詳情

閱讀權限 40
註冊 2008-1-25
來自 盤古聖地
狀態 離線

發表於 2008-10-17 02:31 AM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
難題! 遙控webcam+NETtalk+ etc

此 X-Seek 主題價值 200 XS。 (天藍出手)
X-Seek 出題者 御忍幻零 希望能在 2008-11-16 02:31 AM 前尋找到解決方案。
已於 2008-11-26 09:57 PM 由 mickeyGoUp 選出最合適的解決方案及關閉 X-Seek 主題。


1. o係一個有internet transmitter 既地方,利用任何方法令到一部電腦(A)自動detect並上網,之後transfer Webcam既live影像去另一部電腦(B)
2. 用同一個program,as long as 佢(A) online 係可以透過mic長期o係另一部電腦(B)聽到聲音
3. o係另一邊既電腦(B)可以講野,o係電腦(A)既speaker 出聲

咁我都唔係淨係問既,我都做左少許關於remote webcam既coding,佢都係話用C#做,咁係未淨係只可以用C#?不過我都唔係好mind,因為除左C++,其他我根本唔識....  C++都係皮毛,我諗住largely係借open source code架啦,不過都想學少少

另外一樣野係諗緊因為假如(A)係隨意detect,佢就會冇lock IP,咁係未應該整個server o係(A)咁任何一部(B)都可以connect入去(with password),咁個彈性咪大d囉?

如果有人可以幫到我就好啦,之後再了解下GUI既野就good good啦~~

可以add我 MSN:humblefung@hotmail.com

研究研究,或者係依度答~~ thx1

[ 觀看解決方案 ]

最後編輯: ultraegg : 2008-10-20 06:38 PM


1022292057     Rank: 4Rank: 4
性別 男
UID 17104

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積分 798   詳情

閱讀權限 50
註冊 2006-12-9
來自 Canada
狀態 離線

發表於 2008-10-21 03:31 AM  資料  個人空間  主頁 短訊  加為好友 
any high-level language is fine, C++, C#, Visual Basic, JAVA, etc.
Just use C++ or C# if you already know C++

there is one point u misunderstood... when transfering between machines, we always require Server and Client, doesn't matter if it's only between two machine or whether IP is fixed or not, one machines must still do the hosting, which we refer as Server, and other machines do the connecting, which we refer as Client. So we will always need to make Server.

If Machine A (Server) does not have a fixed IP, then you will need DNS (Domain Name System), which you acquire a domain name for your ip. In Machine A, it will update the IP reference for this domain name whenever its IP changes. Now, even though machine A's IP changes, its domain name does not get change, and so Machine B can connect through this domain name.

This is the way to do it, it has nothing to do with server creation, multi-clients server creation nor flexibility.

*FYI. there are other ways of doing it like instead of domain name, you may acquire a static IP and reference the static IP to Machine A's dynamic IP (which is really the same thing as domain name, just that you are using IP and not name), or you can change Machine A into fixed IP (may just call up internet provider to provide u a fixed IP or masking your IP, which is again really the same thing as domain name or IP reference, just that those are external references and this is internal)

X-Seek 解決方案 1/1   


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